
10-16 May is Mental Health Awareness Week. 

This year the theme is nature – something we’ve all got even more familiar with since lock down.

However, for many of us “being in nature” may not be as easy as it sounds.  BUT you don’t have to climb a mountain to feel the benefits.

Check out top tips on connecting with nature to improve your mental health from Mental Health Foundation here


So how do you feel gradually coming out of lockdown?


I feel it’s stranger for me than getting used to being in it! That’s probably because things initially slowed down and now I feel they are quickening up. I know which one I prefer!


Like a lot of people, I’ve been doing my shopping on line and, apart from the initial time consuming bit at the beginning, have found it a great help. No leaving home. No traffic, no packing/unpacking/carrying heavy loads.


For the first time in what seems like a long time I actually called to a supermarket a couple of weeks ago. Wow, did it seem strange. I couldn’t remember where anything was initially and I felt my head had brain fog!


Although I love what I do and all it brings I have found myself slightly anxious about things that I would not  have been “before”.



So, I’ve come to the conclusion that its definitely best to just take my time, i.e. not giving myself unrealistic goals (a previous habit!) , saying no if I have to, and working within my limits.  All really to keep both my physical and mental health in check.


I think things will take time to get back to – or rather – move forward on – from where we all were.  I think its also a good idea not to push or expect too much of ourselves.



We’ve all been through a lot.  I appreciate we are all very lucky to be here and healthy, whilst others may not have been.  We have ours lives, homes, food, clothing etc BUT we have to give some acknowledgement to what we have been through.


I’m someone who usually just “gets on with things” but then a while afterwards it kind of hits me and I then maybe take a moment or two to process.  I’m sure I’m not alone in this.


I think the words “be kind to yourself” are so true and I think we all need to be right now as we emerge and spread our wings again.


I’d love to know how you are feeling at the moment so do comment below and let me know.


Many thanks for reading


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