The Benefits of Basil

Karen Young from The Federation of Holistic Therapists examines the health benefits of basil:- Most of us associate basil with a hearty bowl of spaghetti Bolognese, but outside of the kitchen, this humble herb has been used for centuries to treat a range of common...

What is anti-ageing?

So I thought I would write about anti-ageing this month as it’s been on my mind for a while now. What exactly is “anti-ageing” anyway? What does it mean? Why should we be? How can we be? These are all questions coming into my mind whilst thinking about this subject. I...

Actually its August!

August seems to be busy month no matter who you are or what you do. Parents have children off school and lots of people take their holiday either flying off abroad, staying closer to home or even staying at home (staycation). It has been, so far, very busy. So I feel...

Summer’s here!

What a glorious summer we’re having so far ….. and long may it continue. I know it’s really warm, and some of you may be suffering, but having had such a long cold winter we really should make the absolute most of the warmth. It won’t be here forever! It’s...

Your guide to Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is one of the most gentle and versatile of the complementary healing arts. It harnesses the natural therapeutic powers of essential oils to relieve a whole host of physical and emotional complaints ranging from stress, anxiety and fatigue through to...

Reflexology and Me!

It’s really important as a therapist to understand what it actually feels like to receive the treatments you give. It is also, of course, a welcome and often well-deserved treat, or sometimes a necessity. However, as I am sure most therapists will tell you, we don’t...